viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

Natural DMT trip 06.07.2016

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The morning of 08.07.2016 after I slept the whole night, without waking up, without meditating or anything, I just realize that my body was vibrating extremely (like every time just before a DMT flight). I felt that I was somehow invited to a trip. I decided to "accept the invitation" and to follow the flow of this experience so to speak. The I realized I was flying in the tunnel that brings me outside of my body. I had to fly faster but I got unconcentrated or something and it slowed down and the vibration stopped. Then I had this thought "I need to learn how to drive my soul and go faster on the tunnel" and immediately it was shown to me a car! and it was like "of course, what a good idea", in this moment I appeared inside of the car, driving it, and driving in this tunnel and it was so easy, but then the car disappeared, it was like to show me how to drive myself. I forgot to mention that in this tunnel no only the vibration was very extreme but also the noise, like this ringing in the ears. After a while I did it, I was outside of this tunnel and the noise and the vibration stopped and I was in this beautiful place, like a park with lots of kids playing and having fun. After a while I appeared in a kind of lake, I was all the time "flying" but it felt more like floating in the air and also controlling if I wanted to move anywhere. The lake had lots of trees ON it, coming up from the water. I am sure this was not on this planet because of the environment there, the colors, the atmosphere, etc. 

Then I appeared in a kind of room or dimension where every surface had a pattern of brights geometric shapes that constantly changed colors and emanate light. There was a kind of stage where a man was giving a kind of speech, he was dressed like "Napoleon Bonaparte", I was directly in front of him but he couldn't see me and I couldn't see whom he was talking to but I had this feeling that he was talking to a lot of people.

My husband waked me up unintentionally und I felt like I was pulled down to my body from a huge distance in very show time. In fact in happened twice that I was awakened but it was both times very easy to "go back". The next 2 time I didn't need the tunnel because once a man and once a woman picked me up. They came and invited me "follow me" and when I decided to fly after them I was suddenly pulled out of my body and started other experiences like seeing myself in the bed. I don't remember everything but it was amazing and exciting!

If you want to produce a lot of DMT in your brain to have these experiences, I recommend you to read:  How do I produce so much DMT

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