viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

The first time I left my physical body

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05.12.2003 I was laying in a surgery room, I'd already got a Peridural Anesthesia, I was going to be operated of 2 ovarian tumors. The Anesthesia didn't work so good, they were waiting and I could still feel, so they decided to inject me morphine.

Next thing I know is that I am hovering in the Surgery room, watching the doctors working on my belly, and I thought: "haha they are so dumb, the haven't notice that I am already dead" (or that is what I thought). I don't remember much, I know everything was very beautiful and colorful, I traveled to many places, I was flying so happy, I was so in peace, I was so glad that I had no more pain, no more physical sense, I was happy to don't feel cold, warm, etc. It was amazing. All the time I thought I was dead. I remember the moment I felt I was pulled to my body and my first reaction was "oh noooo no no no no no no please no". When I got into my body and opened my eyes, a nurse was beside me and immediately asked me if I was feeling good. I didn't answer and started crying. She called a Doctor who was in the room and this doctor came and told me she was going to inject me more pain killers nd I said "I have no pain" and she asked: "so why are you crying?". I didn't answer, I couldn't tell her the truth. I was crying because of this intense feeling of being mortal again, being susceptible to be hurt. I hated the fact that I was alive. Of course, after my blood had no more drugs I didn't think this way anymore. 

Until this day, every time I told this story I said it was the effect of the drug in my brain, and i always say "I understand why people get addicted to this things", and I make fun but now I understand better and I am sure I was in fact outside of my body. It was the same feeling of having an astral projection or DMT trip.

I want to add, that I've been operated other 7 times after this one and it never happened again.

To read about a recent experience of this kind I had, thanks to the effect of the natural DMT I produce in my brain read:  My first DMT trip

3 comentarios:

  1. Genial tu experiencia Nadia. Detallas muy bien las cosas. Me hizo reír tu frase "odiaba el hecho de darme cuenta de que estaba viva" jajaja.
    Espero algún día poder tener un viaje astral. Lo máximo que he experimentado son las vibraciones en el cuerpo. Voy a seguir meditando y escuchando binaurales.
    Saludos Nadia.

    1. haha si yo también me río aveces con mis propias ocurrencias :p
      Bueno si ya has logrado sentir la vibración, ya estás cerca. Tengo la impresión de que esa vibración es la que te "Saca" del cuerpo, se vuelve más y más intensa hasta que sientes que te desprendes y todo deja de vibrar y el ruido cesa inmediatamente y te encuentras en una paz inexplicable, y aveces te sientes como un pez que nada pero no sabe bien como hacerlo :)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
